Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Cat Who Fell to Earth

On our property across the street is a 60 ft. high, dead tree, that I call the 'Woodpecker Condo.' I will try to take a good photograph of it, because it literally has more a dozen holes in varying sizes running up one side from all the different woodpeckers who live in it.

Our 'neighbors' who live on that side are a semi-retired couple who roam the property and have always been so nice over the years. One day, J. came over while we were hanging out at the fire-pit by the pond and told us this story. His wife's favorite cat, a calico manx, had been missing for three days, but every now and then G. would think she could hear it meowing from a distance. (Their house is a fourth of a mile away from our property.)

The third day the cat was missing, G. again thought she heard something, so J. let himself in the gate and onto the property and started to walk around. And spied the cat at the very top of the 60 ft. tree. I'm pretty sure the mustangs didn't frighten the cat up there. I think it was interested in the birds. But the question became how to get the cat out of the tree. A ladder, even the ladder from the fire truck, wouldn't be long enough. J. walked back and had G. come out to see in the hopes she could coax the cat to make it's way further down the tree so J. might be able to reach him with a ladder. The tree, unfortunately, is so dead it no longer has branches and is more like a big stob.

Well, the cat saw G coming and proceeded to meow and act miserable, which it no doubt was, having been stuck in a high tree for three days and two nights..and no sooner had G. walked to the tree and looked up, but the cat leaped from the top of the tree and sort of airplaned/lunged to the ground -- flattened out like a flying squirrel does when it hydroplanes.

J. and G. were horrified to see their dear cat companion hurl itself into the air and then slam onto the hard ground before them.* Several minutes later, the stunned cat began to breathe again, came to, seemed to shake itself together, and let G. scoop it into her arms and take him home!

* If it had been me, I would have been staggering around with my arms outreached trying to catch the cat.


Ms. A said...

There goes one of those lives! I would have freaked the heck out.

ReformingGeek said...

Wow. How DO THEY do that? I would have been trying to catch it, too.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

That poor kitty! And here I worry when our cats jump down off a high piece of furniture...

Lois said...

That was one hungry kitty, to attempt to fly home to the ground. I would have never expected a cat to do that! Or to survive!

How are you doing??? Hope well, L.

Peruby said...

I can't stop giggling. I know it is horrific but it does have a happy ending and I am just trying to figure out why the cat would do it then. Did he think his owners would save him (catch him)?

It's like he said "Sheesh! Finally. Okay, here I come! Ready or not. Catch me!"

And when he shook himself off he was probably thinking "Damn. You were supposed to catch me!"

Dame Nuisance said...

So much for always landing on their feet. Am so very glad that the kitty was okay. Hope it has learned its lesson and will leave those pesky woodpeckers alone now. Poor kitty.

injaynesworld said...

LOL!!! I would have done the same thing, Amy, and probably been knocked out cold.