It's not that I've never considered it before. But pumping toxins into my face to plump out the lines just hasn't seemed like my thing. I'm not sayen' my face is unlined. But I don't think it looks lined enough for me to do something that seems a bit drastic. I've seen The Real Housewives of (fill in blank here except for the Atlanta bunch, who strike me as particularly vacuous and obnoxious), gripping the arms of a chair and digging in their nails as the needle is injected into their forehead...
Hummmmm. Maybe I do need some work. Maybe I shouldn't wait until I resemble a sharpei. I definitely wouldn't want so much I wouldn't have expression. Hummmm. My SIL suggests I see if they will barter for product rather than the Botox treatment. Excy scoffs that I would even think about it. To tell the truth, I wouldn't - only this is being handed to me on a silver platter. My friend M., who has had it several times, is jealous, so I told her she could come with me and use most of it, that if I do it at all, it'd just be for the furrows between my eyebrows...
I will do some web research. In the meantime, I'd like to hear from you, dear readers. So I am putting it to a vote. Here is a photo I had Excy take of me in the harshest light this afternoon. What do you think? I'll go with the majority.....
wow - don't do it. and smile smugly every time you get to say you're au naturel.
i am not necessarily against it but i do consider it critically. i think there would be something addictive about it. it would be hard to stop after $250 worth of freebie injections.
my two cents anyway.
stopping by via SITS
You are a beautiful woman...Why do you feel the need to consider pumping poison into your face???
Anything we put in, our bodies must process. Yours has been through the ringer...I would not do this in your place...nothing is free in this world...
Oh please don't--you are so lovely! I can't see why you would do it at all.
I think you are simply gorgeous and I myself wouldn't do it. (And your skin is much prettier than mine!)
Glad to hear you are feeling better!
You do not look like you are in need of any Botox... I was a skin care specialist and stylist before I became a SAHM. I do not see any real need for that type of procedure. A peel or microdermabrasion would be sufficient. I also would reccomend a good Euro facial. Not only are they relaxing but the esthetician can use products with AHA and other great wrinkle reducers and help you with your regimen, Don't be hooked into a marketing ploy. That is all it is. You look fabulous!!!!
like the others, I think you are beautiful and can think of no reason you should inject poison into your face.
You already look pretty, why change a thing :)
IMO you are GORGEOUS! and so don't need it.
Please don't even think about it! You are gorgeous - and I have to agree that all that poison in your body is the last thing you need. Leave it for the housewives...stay natural!
I think the whole Botox thing is just a little creepy weird. I agree on bartering for something else, like massages. Nothing like a relaxing massage to unfurrow those brow lines.
All women feel at some point like they wish they could do things like Botox, etc to make themselves feel better about the way they look. No matter how many of us on here say that WE think you look beautiful just the way you are, it probably won't change how YOU feel about yourself. Self image is everything to a woman, whether we want to think so or not.
I also think you are very lovely, and I also agree with the idea that if you do it this time for free, what happens when you see the little wrinkle come back? Will you be disappointed to not keep getting it? And you do have your medical condition to consider...would their be negative side effects? If you let the salon know that you have some concerns about it, maybe they will agree to let you have something else instead.
But don't go with what WE say. I'd certainly love some free lipo, so I'm not going to judge if you really want some free botox. (Injected into your FACE, btw. Ouch?)
Um, no. Enough said.
Please don't do it. You are stunning. You do not need it and I think that the suggestion of bartering for product is a great idea
Lovely lady Miss A, please don't think about ruining your beautiful face with that chemical mess of the lie of beauty. If this photo is harsh light I'd love to see what airbrushed would look like.
In case I'm not being clear DON'T INJECT BOTOX IN YOUR FACE EVER. While some women will claim to need it YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM!!
Ask the spa if you can exchange the service for $250.00 worth of massage services or 6 months of free pedicures. At $14 or $17 a pop it will equal in the wash.
You know what I think.
I think there's a whole industry out there playing on women's insecurities so they'll spend all their money on youth-making products. You look perfectly fine to me and smooth skinned and not in need of Botox AT ALL. Plus you seem to feel you look fine as you are too.
Plus i LOVE your eyebrows. They're perfect.
Un-lined twenty-something chiming in, but botox seems creepy, even if it's free. Kind of like Twinkies are creepy, even if they're free :)
Well, i wish i looked like you!
You look gorgeous!!
After 15 years you might think of it!
No. Try to have them exchange it for pedicures or massages or whatever else strikes your fancy.
No! You don't need it.
When a gorgeous woman like you starts to think about botox, the rest of us might as well start digging a hole to bury myself in... if I looked one tenth as good as you, I would be tickled pink!
I think you don't need it so I will vote Nox :)
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